We have some big news!

Hi Stackwood Family! It feels like time for an introduction. We're Anna and Emma, the new-ish co-owners of Stackwood. You may recognise us from visits to the store, or perhaps you've taken a workshop with Anna, or seen Emma ducking out of her architecture practice downstairs. In various ways, we've both been part of the fibre of Stackwood for several years, and we're both thrilled to currently be at the helm of this vibrant business. We have so many exciting new things in the works and can't wait to share them with you, our amazing community.


As part of our new journey, we are thrilled to announce that we are integrating the cafe to become part of the Stackwood plant and concept store and will open on Tuesday 11 October.

We're also super excited to be welcoming Freo cafe stalwarts Lucy and Michael Deller who will be leading the team, bringing with them a wealth of coffee and food knowledge. There are some delicious additions to the menu, but don't worry, your old favourites will still be there!

Cafe Opening hours:
Tuesday - Friday 7 am - 2 pm.
Saturday - Sunday 7:30 am - 2 pm.

Stay tuned for our weekly menu of vegetarian and vegan dishes released each Monday on our socials @stackwood_.

 stackwood fremantle cafe

Images by Bo Wong and Rae Fallon

October 11, 2022 — Emma Williamson