small business school head shots with Bo Wong Perth

At Stackwood, working with the creative community is what sustains us and fills our cup (apart from our love of healthy, thriving houseplants - that's a given right?) In light of this, we are thrilled to present a pilot set of workshops to support makers, artists, creatives and small business owners. This is the Stackwood School.

Stackwood School aims to help you take your business to the next level while providing a space for creatives to come together to upskill, learn, connect and share. We've scheduled classes with the experts we admire to help you build a sustainable business in every sense of the word.

Much loved photographer and communications expert Bo Wong will be kicking us off with tips on how to hone your photography skills for your small business, photograph your art and create a social media plan (sigh this one gets us all right?)

Branding expert Cristina Londono will share how to approach sales in a heart-driven way, craft your brand stories, and create seamless customer experiences. Meanwhile Vicky Krishnamurthy will be helping us with all things numbers - not always everyone's favourite topic but so important in building a strong practice!

We've even got a headshot day planned where you can jump in and get that much-needed refresh.

Need to work on an aspect of your business and want to attend a workshop on it? We hope to grow our offering in this space and would love your feedback. Email our curator here with your wants, needs and ideas.

September 20, 2022 — Emma Williamson