New Workshop Dates and Exciting New Classes.

Time to create something unique with our new workshop dates.

Are you inspired to become your own maker? We are thrilled to introduce new workshop dates for the end of August and September with our wonderful group of Stackwood creatives. Maggie Johnsons popular Pet Portraits is the perfect introduction to Screen Printing and the art of bringing illustrations to life. We have added new dates for the sell-out Tiny Houses with Sally from Deep Earth Ceramics and of course a brand new workshop Leggy Planters, where you will be guided to create your pot for a plant friend!

handmade ceramic planter

Our new workshop Signature Blends with the incredible Katie from The Second Salon is an exciting offering that is sure to add a sense of calm and ritual to your daily life. Or why not learn the wonderfully meditative practice of weaving in Siân Boucherd's final Woven Vessels class for the year or special edition workshop using foraged weeds?

There are so many more to talk about, find out about all the latest classes by heading over to the website!

Happy making and creating.

Images by Rae Fallon

August 16, 2022 — Emma Williamson